The company "Solido" sells high-quality accessories from genuine leather.

The main principle of our work is the selling the best quality of products and a high level of service.

Our designers are constantly updating the range of products, conducting tests for convenience, strength and ergonomics for each model separately. We offer a wide range of exclusive models, more than 1000, such as man's and woman's bags, wallets, key holders, purses, belts and bracelets.

All production is made on modern equipment from high-quality materials taking into account environmental protection requirements and world standards. The company "Solido" has established the highest quality standards for materials and carefully monitors the quality of production.

Accessories from "Solido" are collections with a unique design, corresponding to modern trends. Each buyer will be able to find a model personally suitable for him .

We accept corporate orders, providing convenience for the customer helping to communicate with professionals in their field. You can choose the products you like from our range, order the application of your logo or personal data, as well as choose our company packaging or order your exclusive design.

Similarly, we grant the franchising right on favorable terms. A symbolic lump-sum fee and no royalty. To maximally facilitate the franchiser's business relationship with the franchisee, we have created a convenient system of doing business on the leather goods market, taking into account the characteristic features of each potential location. We help in creating design of outlets and provide ready-made advertising material, in digital form. Furthermore, our company provides all the necessary legal documents.

In combination with affordable prices, these advantages will allow you to choose an assortment for tailored trade to your target customers.

Accessories from "Solido" - this is the solid choice!